A couple embracing on along the deck railing of a cruise ship looking at the sea.

Episode Summary

Cruising with Travel Insurance

Travel can be a joyful, relaxing adventure, and it can also include the occasional mishap. Today's guests know the value of having travel insurance on your cruise to help you manage the mishaps and bring peace of mind to your travel. Listen in as Dan Durazo, director of external communications for Allianz, and Debbie Haas, VP of travel for AAA The Auto Club Group, share their personal experiences and insights on travel insurance.


Host: Louisa Horn  |  Guest Speakers: Dan Durazo & Debbie Haas

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Dan Durazo
meet the guest speaker

Dan Durazo

Dan Durazo is a veteran public relations and media relations expert working for a leading consumer specialty insurance provider.  Dan is quoted frequently in the media on travel, travel insurance and travel assistance. Media Relations is his passion and he works closely with journalists that cover his company and industry.

Debbie Haas
meet the guest speaker

Debbie Haas

Debbie Haas is a Vice President, Travel Products & Services at AAA based in Heathrow, Florida. Previously, Deborah was a Board Member at Tourism Cares and also held positions at Visit Florida, Coca-Cola Company, Quaker Oats. Deborah received a bachelor's degree degree from University of Michigan and a masters degree from Northwestern University.